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How Much does a CCTV Drain Survey Cost?

Are you considering a CCTV drain survey but unsure about the costs involved? You’re not alone. Many homeowners, business owners and property managers share your concerns.

In this blog, we will demystify the costs associated with CCTV drain surveys, offering a thorough understanding to help you make informed decisions.

Whether you’re dealing with persistent drainage issues or simply conducting routine maintenance, this blog will serve as your go-to resource.

So let’s start with the basics.

What is a CCTV drain survey?

How Much Does a CCTV Drain Survey Cost

A CCTV drain survey is a detailed inspection of drainage systems using state-of-the-art camera equipment. It allows for the identification of blockages, damages, and other potential issues without the need for invasive excavation.

This technology provides clear images and videos of the inside of your pipes, making it easier to diagnose problems and plan effective solutions.

How much does a CCTV drain survey cost?

The cost of a CCTV drain survey can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your property, the complexity of your drainage system and the scope of the works completed.

On average, here are some costs you might encounter in the UK:

  • Basic CCTV drain survey: £160
  • Full CCTV drain survey (inc. drain survey report): £275
  • CCTV drain survey for large properties: £400
  • Ground excavation (if needed): £200

These prices are gathered from a selection of UK service suppliers and provide a general framework. However, it’s important to get personalised quotes for the most accurate pricing.

What influences the price of a drain survey?

price of a drain survey

Several factors can influence the cost of a CCTV drainage survey, including:

Property size and complexity of pipework

Larger properties or those with a complex drainage system may require more extensive surveys.

Access issues

Difficulty accessing certain parts of the drainage system can lead to increased costs.

Scope of survey

More in-depth surveys, especially those that include a detailed report, typically cost more.


Prices can vary based on geographic location and the competition among service providers in the area.

The number of blockages/drainage issues

It goes without saying that the more blockages you have, the longer it will take to identify and fix them. This could include accessing the pipe network at several different locations and so will come at a higher price.

The length of the drain

Longer drains require more time and equipment to survey, leading to increased costs.

Are there any additional costs?

cost of a CCTV drainage survey

In some cases, you may encounter additional costs that are not included in the initial quote. These could include:

  • Major repairs: If any severe damage is discovered during the survey, repairs may be necessary and will come at an additional cost.
  • Excavation: If the survey reveals the need for ground excavation to access and repair pipes, this will also come at an extra cost.
  • Call-out fees: Some service providers may charge a call-out fee in addition to the initial survey costs.

To avoid any unexpected expenses, it’s important to discuss all potential costs with your chosen service provider before the survey begins.

Different types of CCTV drain survey

types of CCTV drain survey

Understanding the various types of CCTV drain surveys available can help you choose the right one for your needs:

Basic drain survey and visual inspection

This involves just the visual inspection of the inside of your pipes using a small camera. It is typically the most affordable option and is suitable for routine maintenance.

Full diagnostic survey with report

Includes a comprehensive inspection and a detailed report, often used for diagnosing persistent or complex issues.


When do I need a CCTV drain survey?

If you’re experiencing recurrent blockages or bad smells

Persistent blockage issues and foul odours can often be more than just a nuisance; they may indicate underlying problems with your drainage system. A CCTV drain camera inspection is especially beneficial in these scenarios. It allows for a non-invasive examination of the underground drainage configurations, pinpointing the precise location and nature of the blockages.

By visualising the obstruction, homeowners can understand whether they’re dealing with simple clogs, structural damages, tree root intrusions, or other complex issues. As a result, targeted and effective remedies can be determined, thereby reducing the likelihood of future blockages, saving time, and avoiding excessive expenditure on trial-and-error fixes.

As part of routine maintenance

Regular maintenance calls for routine check-ups to help prevent emergencies and extensive repairs, and this is precisely where a CCTV drain survey shines. Conducting a periodic CCTV drain survey empowers homeowners with the foresight to detect small issues before they escalate into significant problems.

Just like regular health check-ups can prevent life-threatening conditions, a CCTV survey can identify minor blockages, small cracks, or other pipe anomalies at an early stage. This allows for prompt and cost-effective interventions, safeguarding your property’s drainage health, maintaining the functionality of the system, and ultimately saving you from unexpected and costly breakdowns in the future.

When purchasing a new home

Before finalising the purchase of a new house, carrying out a CCTV drain survey is absolutely essential. The drain system’s condition is not something that’s often visible during a standard home inspection. Unidentified issues in the drainage system can lead to severe and costly problems after you have already invested in the property.

A comprehensive CCTV drain survey can reveal any hidden faults or unnecessary complications within the drainage system that may not have been disclosed or even known by the previous owners. Identifying these issues beforehand allows for renegotiation of the property’s price to account for any necessary repair work or gives you the option to back out from a potentially bad investment, ensuring your peace of mind and financial protection.

If you’re planning on building an extension

If you’re planning on making significant changes to your property, such as adding an extension or conservatory, a CCTV drain survey is necessary. Building over or near existing drainage systems can lead to structural damage and blockages that may not be apparent until it’s too late. A CCTV drain survey beforehand will provide insight into all the drains connected to the property, their condition, and capacity, allowing for proper planning and avoiding potential issues down the line.

When a need for pipe relining has been identified and you want to learn the route and length of the pipe

CCTV drain surveys are often used in conjunction with pipe relining, a cost-effective and non-invasive method for repairing damaged pipes. Before the relining process can begin, it’s crucial to have an accurate understanding of the pipe’s condition, length, and route. A CCTV drain survey provides this vital information and allows for targeted repairs rather than replacing the entire pipe.

How to prevent blockages on your drainage system?

cctv drain survey by any drains

To prevent future drain blockages, homeowners should heed the following advice:

Be mindful of what goes down the sink

Avoid pouring oil, grease, or coffee grounds down the sink as they can solidify or clump together, creating blockages over time.

Use sink strainers

Place strainers in sinks and showers to catch hair, soap bits, and any other debris that can clog your drains.

Dispose of waste properly

Always throw waste in the bin instead of flushing it down the toilet. This includes products labelled as flushable, such as wipes and feminine hygiene products, which can still cause blockages.

Run hot water after use

Regularly run hot water through the sink after each use to help clear any lingering oils or substances that might stick to the pipes.

Regularly clean stoppers

Clean pop-up stoppers in sinks and tubs frequently to prevent hair and soap build-up.

Educate your household

Ensure all family members know what should and shouldn’t go down the drains.

Consider a water softener

If you live in an area with hard water, a water softener can help minimise the likelihood of mineral build-up in your pipes.

Conduct regular maintenance

Regularly inspect and maintain your drains to catch any minor issues before they become major blockages.

Use enzymatic cleaners

Non-corrosive, biodegradable enzymatic drain cleaners can help maintain clear pipes without damaging the plumbing system.

Can I perform CCTV drain surveys myself?

While DIY drain survey kits are available, professional surveys provide more accurate and comprehensive results. Professionals have access to higher-quality equipment and possess the expertise to interpret the CCTV footage correctly.

Additionally, attempting a DIY survey without proper training can lead to further damage to the drain system and potentially hazardous situations. It’s best to leave CCTV drain surveys to the professionals for accurate results and safe procedures.

Key takeaways

  • CCTV drain surveys are critical for diagnosing and resolving drainage problems, identifying issues like clogs, structural damage, or tree root intrusions.
  • As part of the CCTV survey cost, most drain experts will take care of minor blockages.
  • Routine CCTV drain surveys are part of preventative maintenance that helps avoid future emergencies and costly repairs by catching small issues early.
  • Conducting a CCTV drain survey before buying a new home is crucial to uncover any hidden drainage system faults, possibly aiding in price renegotiations or avoiding a bad investment.
  • A CCTV drain survey is necessary when planning property extensions or conservatory additions to prevent construction damage to existing drainage systems.
  • They are particularly useful before pipe relining to understand the condition, length, and route of the pipes needing repair.
  • Homeowners can prevent drain blockages by being cautious about what goes down drains, using strainers, properly disposing of waste, and performing regular drain maintenance.
  • While DIY drain survey kits exist, professional CCTV drain surveys are recommended for their accuracy and to prevent potential further damage by untrained individuals.
  • When selecting a drainage company for CCTV surveys, opt for a professional who possesses appropriate experience and qualifications/accreditations.
  • For professional advice and accurate pricing, it’s always recommended to consult with local drain experts.
  • It’s always a good idea to compare prices to ensure you’re getting a fair and competitive deal.


Understanding the intricacies of CCTV drain surveys and their costs can help homeowners and property managers make informed decisions when dealing with drainage problems. By taking into account the factors that influence the cost and knowing when such a survey is necessary, you can ensure that your drainage system remains in optimal condition. 

Ready to book your CCTV drain survey? Contact us now!

call any drains for cctv drain survey

If you’re experiencing any drainage issues or want to conduct a routine survey, don’t hesitate to contact our team of experts. We offer professional CCTV drain surveys at competitive prices and provide accurate and thorough results to help keep your drains in top shape. Don’t wait until it’s too late – book your CCTV drain survey today!

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